TFK Rivet - a better rivet for Maya

I just created a new Rivet tool which I think will come in handy to animators and riggers.  What sets my rivet apart from say djRivet is that mine is built in python and based on the matrix setup outlined here - also TFK_rivet allows you to place multiple rivets at once, and move the rivets around on the surface after being made.  Check it out:

TFK Rivet available for free at Highend3D
Cleanly add multiple rivets to one object
Super clean node graph using Matrix transforms
import maya.cmds as cmd
import re

def bRivet():

    input = cmd.filterExpand(sm = 32)
    if not (cmds.pluginInfo('matrixNodes', q=True, l=True)):
        cmds.loadPlugin( 'matrixNodes' )
    if input and len(input) >=2:
        ob = input[0].split('.')[0]
        edgeMax = cmd.polyEvaluate(ob, e=True)
        shape = cmds.listRelatives(ob, shapes=True)
        count = len(input)
        cmds.undoInfo( state=False )
            bRivet_Build(input,ob,edgeMax,shape, count)
            cmd.warning('Something is not right')
        cmds.undoInfo( state=True )
        cmd.warning('bRivet requires at least 2 edges to be selected')

def bRivet_Build(input, ob, edgeMax, shape, count):
    cA = cmd.connectAttr
    sA = cmd.setAttr
    aA = cmd.addAttr
    cN = cmd.createNode
    var = [['pointOnSurfaceInfo','pos'],['loft','loft'],['fourByFourMatrix','mat'],['decomposeMatrix','dcp']]
    pnt = ['normal', 'tangentU.tangentU', 'tangentV.tangentV', 'position.position']
    xyz = ['X','Y','Z']
    io = ['input', 'output']
    uv = 'UV'      
    doublet = zip(range(count-1),range(1, count))
    locs = []
    node = 1
    for pair in doublet:
        for n in range(4):
            var[n][1] = cN(var[n][0], name = var[n][1])
        gp = = True, name = 'rivet%s_GP' % node )
        loc = cmd.spaceLocator(name = 'rivet%s' % node) 
        sA('%s.turnOnPercentage' % var[0][1], 1)
        sA('' % var[1][1], 1)
        aA(loc[0], at = 'float2', ln= uv)
        cmd.parent(loc, gp)
        for one in [0,1]:  
            num = int(re.findall("\[(.*?)\]", input[pair[one]])[0])
            aA(loc[0], at = 'short' , ln = 'edgeIndex%d' % one, min = 0, max = edgeMax, k = True, dv = num)
            ed = cN('curveFromMeshEdge', name = 'cFM')
            sA('%s.edgeIndex[0]' % ed, num) 
            cA('%s.edgeIndex%d' % (loc[0],one), '%s.edgeIndex[0]' % ed) 
            cA('%s.worldMesh[0]' % shape[0] , '%s.%sMesh' % (ed,io[0]))
            cA('%s.outputCurve' % ed, '%s.%sCurve[%s]' % (var[1][1],io[0],one))
            aA(loc[0], at = 'float' , ln = uv[one], k = True, p= uv, min = 0, max = 1) 
        print 'ok%s'%node
        for UV in uv:
            cA('%s.UV.%s' % (loc[0], UV), '%s.parameter%s' % (var[0][1], UV))
            sA('%s.UV.%s' % (loc[0], UV), 0.5)      
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(3):
                o =  xyz[j]
                if i in [1,2]: o = o.lower()
                cA('%s.%s%s' %(var[0][1], pnt[i], o), '' % (var[2][1], i, j))
        cA('%s.%sSurface' % (var[1][1],io[1]), '%s.%sSurface' % (var[0][1],io[0]))
        cA('%s.%s' %  (var[2][1],io[1]), '%s.%sMatrix' % (var[3][1],io[0]))
        cA('%s.%sTranslate' % (var[3][1],io[1]), '%s.t' % gp)
        cA('%s.%sRotate' % (var[3][1],io[1]), '%s.r' % gp)



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